Shorebased & E-Learning Courses

Essential Navigation & Seamanship Course

This course includes instruction in the use of charts and tide tables. Duration - typically two days, but can be taken at your own pace online.

The online Essential Navigation and Seamanship is an inspiring new course for anyone interested in sailing, motor boating, sea angling or diving - or pretty much anything else on the water!

This course will give you the essential knowledge needed when you’re afloat: navigation, safety, seamanship and passage planning.

Click on the link below to see what this course is all about.


Code Européen des Voies de la Navigation Intérieure, which loosely means the Rules, or collision regulations, for the European Inland Waterways.

Signs, rules and procedures for navigating the European inland waterways are all included within the CEVNI code and in the same way as pleasure craft on coastal waters are expected to abide by the COLREGS, pleasure craft on the inland waterways of Europe, which in places are heavily utilised by commercial traffic are expected to know and follow the CEVNI code.

Knowing and abiding by the regulations is the best way to protect yourself and your boat.

If you require an ICC valid for use on inland waters, you must learn the CEVNI code and sit the CEVNI test . The “RYA European waterways regulations (the CEVNI rules explained)” publication G17 provides the information you need to learn the code in a clear and concise way and the handy guide.

This course is online only.

RYA Day Skipper

Instruction in the use of charts, tide tables and almanacs. Also covers safety and seamanship aspects. A 42-hour course held over the winter months, with two formal exams.

RYA Marine Radio Short Range Certificate Course (including DSC)

This course is either online via the RYA Interactive site or classroom based held at Burton Waters and provides the knowledge required to obtain the VHF SRC operator’s license. The course is for anyone who uses a fixed or hand-held marine VHF radio.

The online course is the most popular as it can be carried out at your own pace - a test assessment is carried out with our instructor on completion of the online course as would be the case with a classroom based course. The online Short Range Radio course is accessed online via RYA Interactive.

The classroom course is taught over the duration of one-day and requires a minimum of three hours pre-course study.